Terms & Conditions

  • This agreement starts when you indicate to us your acceptance by either signing online or in the Achilles Gym.
  • This agreement is binding between us both when we contact you to confirm your Membership/Sessions application that has been accepted, when your payment transaction (that is within the form) has been processed, the contract will come into existence.
  • You will be entitled to all the rights and privileges set for the Membership/Sessions you have agreed to pay for.
  • You cannot transfer this binding contact to anyone else.
  • If any transaction has been seen as unpaid or if any other form of payment is offered for any reason, even if we have notified you of a missed payment, further payments are missed then we have the right to at our own discretion either suspend or terminate your Membership/Sessions after having given you a written warning and notification in doing so.
  • You agree to notify us quickly of any changes to your Members Details that have been previously provided.
  • First month of your Membership/Session fees are collected from you by either us in the form of payment which is Debit/Credit at time of purchase.
  • Prior Notice is required before cancelling your Membership/Sessions as a “Monthly” Membership/Session holder.
  • There may be occasions where we must close all or part of the Achilles Gym facility of which you are a member of. We will try our best to let you know of these types of closure beforehand unless the problem is severe and/or a pressing emergency of some sort. You will not be entitled to any refund of your Membership/Sessions fees in such circumstance, however, me may consider a potential refund depending on the factors relating.
  • We will not be liable or responsible in any in compliance of contractual terms or interruption in performance to any duties under the terms that is instigated by any incident that is outside of our control uncles we have a duty in doing so.
  • We may conclude this agreement with immediate effect after contacting you if you may have breached the contractual terms and Achilles Gym etiquettes.
  • Agreement to comply with the restrictions in and around the Achilles Gym either due to Covid-19 or other reasons, which relate to opening times, facility use and your behaviour. We might make reasonable changes to these restrictions at any time, we will give you an advanced notice of these changes as well.
  • If we take no action or let you off any break of this contractual agreement or give you extra time to reimburse or comply to the following rules, it will not stop us enforcing the terms of this agreement strictly in the future.
  • To the best of your knowledge and confidence you are in good health and not knowingly incompetent of engaging in either active or passive exercise and it would not be harmful to your health, safety and or comfort. Furthermore, you will inform us instantly if your circumstances changes in relating to your health condition and wellbeing, physical and or mental state.
  • Overdue payments will be taken via card or direct debit automatically.
  • As per the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charged) Regulations 2013 you are most certainly entitles to cancel your Membership/Sessions and receive a full refund of any fees paid within the 14 days of completion of the contract. However, as per the regulation 26 of Consumer Contracts 2013, if you select to start your Membership/Session immediately, you abide that if you later cancel you Membership/Session within the 25-day period, you will be refunded any payment that has been associated with the paid status. This is minus the amount for the Membership/Sessions you have already used that starts from the first date of joining.